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Tributaries (2020)

The artworks in this exhibition were more personal, layered and complex, with embellishments of pen, ink and glow-in-the-dark paint overwriting the sunprints. The increasing complexity of this work was an outcome of the desire to represent the natural environment of the island and the river in their various states of being simultaneously.


In particular, the focus was on the changing experience of the river at night as it explodes in the light and spectacle of bioluminescence. A reflection of the stars in the sky, the water erupts with tiny constellations of light as algae is tumbled in the currents. The river hides a magical faerie world at night and this echoes the inner and outer world of being human. People may appear sculpted and worn on the surface but we also harbour a secret ocean deep within us, filled with magical promise. I have never been able to discern a pattern or rhythm to the appearance of bioluminescece in the river, Summer, rain, warmer waters ... it all coalesces to create the amazing specatacle of a river on fire in the dark.


For more information on the wonder of bioluminescence click > here

> Other Collections




Microcosm - Handprinted cyanotyope with pen and ink



River Song - Handprinted cyanotype with pen and ink

Songs of the River


Squid - Handprinted cyanotype with pen and ink

with the River


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